Busing Survey - Decorative

North Platte Public Schools (NPPS) is seeking your input to determine if adding a district-wide school bus system to the district is necessary.
This system could;
-include centralized pick-up and drop-off locations both in and out of the city limits
-provide busing services for students who live in rural areas and would like to attend NPPS

Your input is critical to assessing the needs of a busing system, and we look forward to your feedback.

A. This survey is no guarantee of the implementation of a busing system. 
B. If a system is implemented, parent mileage reimbursements will no longer be paid for those within a four-mile radius of a bus drop-off/ pick-up location.
C. NPPS may reach out to you for additional information based on the responses provided below.

Thank you for your input,
North Platte Public School District

Complete The Online Survey At https://forms.gle/ywpUt4GfqUzhuHYM7