Video Camp Information

This summer The Calibraska Arts Initiative will be bringing out industry-leading teaching artists from Los Angeles to teach classes in digital design, video, animation, acting, and creative writing.  These professional artists will be teaching classes right here in North Platte.  This is an amazing summer opportunity for our students!  In order to minimize the summer learning gap, the North Platte Schools Foundation will offer a limited number of scholarships to our middle school students to attend selected sessions.  The scholarships are available for animation classes and the video/film course.  Classes will be held between July 11-22.  Please email Philep Willey at to reserve a scholarship for class.  Scholarships will be awarded on a first come first serve basis.  

The film camp for middle schoolers is taught by an independent filmmaker and will cover many aspects of videography and editing.   This class is $100 (regular $420).  Here is the link to more information:

The animation classes will be half-price with a scholarship.  Those can be found here:

Email Mr. Willey with any questions at